Luxury Procurement Company is a black woman-owned company in Italy

A well-integrated African dispora prosperous, who creates and represents a dynamic force by creating synergies and bridges between business opportunities between Africa and the international markets. Creating value of made in Africa through Integration. The aim is to see a strong Africa Continent, United, Resilient and Influential Global Player and Partner. Engaging internationally through cultural values, African Renaissance, cultural heritage, creative arts converting them into business partnership.

Why Africa

Africa is a strategic partner for the global community, especially for the European Union and the United States. The EU and Africa share historical, cultural, and geographical ties, as well as common interests in peace, security, democracy, human rights, trade, and development.
Africa’s young people are energetic and ambitious. As the most connected generation of Africans in history, they hold the key to unleashing greater productivity and propelling the economic trajectory of the continent – if they are healthy, educated, and skilled.

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By 2075, one out of three people of working age will be African. Africa is the only region in the world where the workforce will continue to grow in the coming decades – with the working-age population expected to grow by 450 million by 2035. With quality education and relevant skills, this growth in human potential gives Africa an enormous opportunity to supercharge economic growth and achieve greater prosperity for billions of people in the continent.

The Vision

LPC has a strong vision, we have a window of opportunity to invest in Africa’s young people through better health, nutrition, and education – and working closely with the continent’s growing private sector to connect them with more and better jobs – so youth can become an engine for inclusive and sustained economic growth.
Rallying more resources and making timely investments to strengthen education and health systems will help improve services and increase opportunities and productivity.


 This is key for breaking cycles of poverty, achieving a demographic dividend, and unlocking the region’s enormous economic potential
This is key for breaking cycles of poverty, achieving a demographic dividend, and unlocking the region’s enormous economic potential.
a cross-sectorial Association with the ability to strengthen private/public partnerships and engage multiple stakeholders – international, national, regional and local – to work together to achieve common goals.

Africa as a major partner in global affairs and peaceful co-existence

We agree that Human Capital in Africa is a rich resource in Africa and to the rest of the world. We invest in our people, especially the young. Accelerating action together in building Africa’s human capital is an urgent priority. The continent’s future depends on it.Let’s invest today in the next generation to transform Africa towards greater prosperity on a livable planet.
We take on board public/public cooperation and public/private partnerships as they are vital and core foundation for an economic development strategy.

Engaging in public-private partnerships to provide vocational tech training for youth, focusing specifically on girls and women.

Africa’s youths can help solve the global tech talent shortage

Attracting the Youth to Agriculture. Young men and women are engaged in the agri-food system in a variety of ways — through formal and informal wage work, unpaid family labor, self-employment, and cooperative membership — and across all levels of the value chain. Overall, youth earn “mixed livelihoods” from various sources — on-farm, off-farm, and non-farm — and with self-employment and migration playing particularly important roles. While there is some debate that youth are not attracted to agriculture and are leaving the sector, the evidence paints a nuanced picture

Facilitating Access to Agricultural Activities for Rural Youth. Increasing rural youth’s participation in the agriculture sector: [1] access to knowledge, information and education; [2] access to land; [3] access to financial services; access to green jobs; [5] access to markets; and [6]Livelihoods improvement for the Youth, they undertake a mix of informal sector employment, self-employment, and agriculture-related activities to sustain their livelihoods. Agriculture production is central to rural youth livelihoods, but agricultural incomes are meager.

Both formal and informal wage employment is rare and sporadic. Entrepreneurship (self-employment) remains an important economic activity opportunities within vulnerable geographic areas; mixed livelihoods are therefore a logical choice and may be the most economically viable course of action for many disadvantaged rural young people in Africa. Based on findings from focus group discussions with youth ages 15-25 involved in agriculture, from key informant interviews, the key issues raised are access to land, finance, and skills development, as well as perceptions of the agriculture sector, particularly among women

A market systems approach with a youth inclusive Lens

We participate to International development shows and exhibitions in order to apply applying a market system approach to agricultural value chains to work within the systems’ new or existing rules and promoting access to international markets that foster, agricultural growth. “how can a market systems approach facilitate greater youth inclusion and allow youth to thrive in the global agri-food system?”

What Works in Youth and Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition

Given the growing youth populations in sub-Saharan Africa and the state of economic livelihoods in the region, the agriculture sector — and particularly on-farm production — offers great potential for alleviating unemployment and underemployment in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the near term, self-employment in the informal sector will likely present the greatest opportunity for generating youth employment, particularly in low-income countries.

Young men and women are engaged in the agri-food system in a variety of ways — through formal and informal wage work, unpaid family labor, self-employment, and cooperative membership — and across all levels of the value chain

Digital technology has become a fundamental force for change in this century. It is reshaping economies, government, and the very fabric of our communities – touching nearly every facet of our lives.

The 17 SDGs — ranging widely from the eradicating poverty to cleaning up of our ocean to promoting gender equality — are all getting a boost from the latest in digital strategies. In the last seven years, digitalization has emerged as a veritable keystone, showing enormous potential to unlock the many complex, interwoven challenges addressed in the SDGs.


We are firmly anchored in both Africa and Europe and with branches spread worldwide through bridge networking. We combine skills from Africa, Europe and rest of the world to engaging in public-private partnerships to provide vocational tech training for youth, focusing specifically on girls and women.Africa’s youths can help solve the global tech talent shortage.
LPC covers primary ans secondary industries as well as tertiary industry.

  • Goals
  • Promoting Africa Tourism destination therefore creating jobs for the youth
    Women Empowerment
  • The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
  • Youth Empowerment

Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls is now a global priority. The challenge is huge and so are the positive impacts this would have on poverty alleviation and the global economy.


  • A High Standard of Living, Quality of Life and Well Being for All Citizens.
  • Well Educated Citizens and Skills revolution underpinned by Science, Technology and Innovation.
  • Healthy and well-nourished citizens
  • Transformed Economies
  • Modern Agriculture for increased productivity and production
  • Environmentally sustainable and climate resilient economies and communities
  • Democratic values, practices, universal principles of human rights, justice and the rule of law entrenched

LPC company is experienced in developing partnerships of all shapes and sizes, with large companies, small local businesses, and schools. We desire to make a difference in the world by improving the well-being of vulnerable people.

By working collaboratively together, we can create a partnership of shared value that is tailored to your organization and your social investment strategy.

Luxury LPC in a valuable and purposeful meeting with the

President of chamber of commerce

 Delegation from Cameroon together with the president of chamber of commerce and the ambassador of Italy in Cameroon.


Bella Company at the Mediterraneo Wine - Food -Travel Expo 2023

Expand your customer base

For companies considering moving into international markets,
trade fairs are a key channel to introduce your product to
the new market, expand your visibility and customer base
and seek partners for manufacturing, distribution and retail.
For many African SMEs, exhibiting at a major trade fair
Europe may be the first step towards internationalisation.

Our International Business Services International Trade

  • Go-to-Market Strategy
  • Emerging Markets
  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • Economic Development
  • Digital Ecosystems

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